Conference program
Section 1: Developing strategy and prospects of retail
Retail as a perspective segment of Russian economics. Geopolitical consequences for the development of retail market and economics in Russia.
Retail development strategy: international practice and perspectives of the retail industry in Russia.
Consumer in the new circumstances: what has been changing in the consumer's behavior, how to consider these factors in retailer's strategy.
Section 2: New technologies in marketing, finance and business-processes
New technologies in retail management: which processes could be automated and why, how to measure efficiency of inside business-indexes.
Change of the credit politics and risk-management system of banks.
Nonstandard loyalty programs: what works in retail, how technologies influence on loyalty programs.
How to search new opportunities for growth in circumstances of saturated market.
E-commerce: online and offline synergy.
Different communication channels – mobile marketing, telephones, Internet, direct-mail etc – what to choose, how to combine and get the result.
Why is retail not just 'tradesmen'? The role of private label in retail. How to make new products.
Which new technologies work in modern stores for customer attraction? Visual merchandising, aroma-marketing, audio-marketing, lighting.
Section 3: Human capital management
Innovations as a foundation of strategy implementation of sustainable development of personnel. Decrease of employee turnover. Creation of personnel reserve.
The role of a seller: cannot be underestimated. From a seller to a consultant, fashion-seller.
Systems of manager's motivation: performance indicators, industrious KPI, training.